• Why I Do This

    BY KELLY HOGAN, RN BSN RYT  PHOTOS by Michelle Thomas Behind every beautiful photograph showing a dynamic yoga pose, or a dancer, or an athlete’s best performance, is thousands of hours that most likely were very “unpretty,” and hundreds of times questioning, “Why don’t I just sleep in?” Many little decisions day after day help keep

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  • Take Time To Smell The Pizza

    BY MAURA KINSELLA of Happiness Watts In September, Michelle caught up with Maura Kinsella while she was in town for the Gateway Cup and just prior to her heading to the Team Time Trial World Championships in Richmond, VA. She taught us of her lifestyle company – Happiness Watts – which is dedicated to finding the fun in competitive

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  • Which Side?

    BY MICHELLE THOMAS Do you favor one side over the other? I’m right handed and right-brained, but prefer going to the left in yoga. The left side of the brain controls the right vice versa. The left is responsible for logic, like science and mathematics, and the right is responsible for creativity and arts. The left side of

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  • The First Time

    BY MICHELLE THOMAS You know when you try something for the first time (like cartwheeling into a handstand), and it just seems impossible? Well, keep trying because motor learning is one way to build new brain synapses. That’s why I love unique body movements and creating art. I’m always looking for a different angle or

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